Have you ever ate something that burned twice?
Go’t dang I’m regretting some choices I've made in life but dinner last night ain’t one of them and yet there is always a price to be paid or so it would seem.
I’m not here to entertain or provide “life hacks” or info on the latest secrets of SEO writing to drag fools to your work. I’m too selfish for that. No I’m here for me and to be me and express myself and you’ve probably already checked out
This is good for me, because I know you couldn’t make it past a certain point and thus I can now spread out, like a cat on a limb.
And that’s what I’m doing going out on a limb. Letting out maybe a bit too much info, you get a peak behind the curtain and what you’ll see isn’t spectacular or sad but meh. See your reading about a man who has realized that fortune and fame while not 100% unattainable are well out of reach. I’ve come to terms with this and it’s been very liberating. Not that I ever chased it hard enough to get anywhere(see my last post)
No no the spotlight is not for me no matter how much I know I would shine in it. Maybe it’s fate that I didn’t dare grab it, I’d probably burn out like all those great artists that succumb to the offered excesses of fame.
It would be better to go out on top but I think I’d live long enough to become the villain and end up dancing with the stars and losing.
Look I can’t remember the point of this, I started this in the morning, got to the dancing part and had life stuff to do, i’m back and it’s 10pm. Do I care? What me worried? Not really. This is what you think but I can’t care about what I did. Well that’s a lie, I care, alot. It tears me up inside that I can’t find success or an audience or create content that works for people but I can’t sell things other than myself, my thoughts and prayers.
Oh well maybe I’ll find some work ethic sometime. I would like to remember what it’s like to create some kind of thing, a work of great art or expression that really lets people enjoy a fictional tale created by me. So I’ll keep trying I suppose. Time management is hard and the couch is so soft and working a bunch of time in the day really squeezes you dry.
Did you know we sleep for 26 years of our lives?
So what the hell is the point? Whatever that’s what I say
O ya, if you want formatting and pictures and content that is soft, easy, full of fluff I can’t help you. Sorry but not really.
Do you know that I can’t sleep and because of that I’ve become lazy, don’t neglect a good night’s sleep.
Remember when you lose something like materialistic a book, money, a bobble or whatever you can’t care because you have to ask “what’s the price of a good night’s sleep?”