How to make big money in seconds

5 min readApr 29, 2022


Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash

And another thing I'm tired of not selling out. You people want me to bust my ass just so I can give away my trade secretes in order to server your best interests? For free? I don't think so no, no, no that's a price that is too high. Do you honestly think that I would sit here spilling my guts to you? Did you think I would give up one cent or inch of ground to you, my competition? Because that's what I see before me, you who are reading this, you are in direct competition with me over the time and eyes of viewers, the add revenue, the following! Oh and your going to need that following because it’s the only thing worth having in this world. Why? Well I’ll give you a hint. It’s how your going to make your scratch in this game see. But you don’t care you want the fame so you say but you can’t handle the attention, the constant grabbing at you the recognition in public and the endless fawning over you from people who others might call fans and you call annoying but they see you as someone they know and trust. They know way more about you than anyone should. When you think your riding high on a cloud of support oh boy one slip and your falling into an abyss of trolling doxing and swatting so bad that it’ll make your head spin! But if must know, if you think my advice will show you the path, your right. Follow that instinct because your going to need to get a grasp on your audience, your going to need to understand who they are and what they want from you. You have to throw so many pencils at the ceiling until one sticks and then you gotta ride those coattails until your envidable transformation or burn out. So what do I mean? What am I trying to say? You have to know what you want to do. You cant be a mulch-genred master of all trades you have to be a master of one. Are you talking about life hacks then that's your brand. Reviewing video games? Guess what your gonna have to do it always. Talking about baby care products? Hope you like the endless smell of talcum powder cause that's your life. Just like on YouTube a creator throws pasta against the wall until something sticks and they keep cooking it that way until they get canceled or burnt out and stop all together. You must now walk this path if you want to really stick it out. Don’t like writing every day for two hours a day? Good luck making in this game buddy, you should just pack it in and walk away. Figure out what you can do well in life and try that until you retire. Don’t like the hole you dug yourself into? Well get comfortable because that's where your going to live for a while. Don’t like wizards and magic then don’t write 7 best selling young adult books about that subject and hope to try something new later. What are you still here? What else do you want from me? You know I cant give the farm away ok? Look ok fine since I don't have a life and limited success everywhere else maybe you should take this tourch and run with it. Do you think you can? Cause it’s not about just writing words or making sentences. People have no time for this crap, blogging needs to be quick, easy to read and digest you can’t just spout on and on about a subject and hope that it’ll hold your audiences attention. That what your style is worth them listening to what you have to say? Look no one cares, just tell me how to rob the bank and where the exits are and the get away car and I'll be fine. People can read about how you made 10,000 a month blogging for 5 minutes a day and take you seriously so maybe that's my second point. Like a rapper you have to look the influential part. Wear the clothes, talk the talk like you know all the worlds smallest details and get into every interesting place through the back door. When you write you have to make it lean like Bruce lee and constantly moving, switching it up left right, font style, paragraph style. Image! So yeah I guess you have to say what you say in an explosive manor but also like YouTube in such a way you lead these people down a path and explain again and again how this works and worked for you and why. Then maybe you don’t really give them any information at all but dance around topics you sort of understand in an attempt to get views and grow your following I hope you have a tough skin because it’s lonely at the top and there are nothing but assholes and fake monsters trying to topple you at every turn. You thought the real world was harsh and unforgiving try maintaining a highly engaged social media/content creating presents. It can barely be done. Now when your knuckles are bloodied from you hitting the walls after constant frustration and trolling abuse you might understand what it’s like to have the blues. They will come and be out for blood and too often are engaged by their targets and try to goad them into fits of rage or trap them with stupid arguments. Don’t give into hate and stay positive if your trying to grow a community you want it to be on your side you can’t win friends with salad and your gonna need some sugar if you want to catch some flies. I don’t care anymore if you made it this far down the rabbit hole good for you my competition I’ll try and keep one step ahead of you at all times just in case.




Written by Writerussel

I write about everything. I care not for your formatting or follower secretes. Will I succeed? Why don't you follow me and find out?

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