10 Foolproof Strategies to Skyrocket Your Follower Count on Medium

3 min readJul 11, 2023

In today’s digital era, aspiring writers and content creators flock to platforms like Medium to share their ideas, gain exposure, and connect with a vast audience. With millions of active users, getting noticed on Medium can seem daunting. However, fear not! We have compiled a comprehensive guide with ten proven strategies to help you amass a legion of followers on the writing app Medium. Let’s dive in!

1. Define Your Niche:
Identify your unique writing niche and target a specific audience. By focusing on a particular genre or subject matter, you can establish yourself as an authority and attract like-minded readers who will eagerly follow your work.

2. Craft Captivating Headlines:
Compelling headlines are the gateway to capturing readers' attention. Craft titles that are intriguing, thought-provoking, or promise valuable insights. A well-crafted headline will entice readers to click and explore your articles.

3. Consistency is Key:
Regularly publish high-quality content to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Establish a consistent posting schedule that suits your writing style and commit to it. This helps build anticipation and loyalty among your followers.

4. Engage with the Medium Community:
Participate actively in the Medium community by reading, clapping for, and commenting on other writers' articles. Engaging with fellow writers can spark meaningful conversations, attract attention, and expand your network.

5. Leverage Social Media:
Promote your Medium articles on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Create engaging snippets or quotes from your articles to share, along with a link to read the full piece on Medium. This cross-promotion increases visibility and attracts new followers.

6. Join Publications:
Submit your articles to relevant Medium publications within your niche. Collaborating with established publications exposes your work to a wider audience and increases the chances of gaining new followers who resonate with your writing style.

7. Utilize SEO Techniques:
Optimize your articles for search engines by including relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions. This enhances the discoverability of your content on Medium and can attract organic traffic from search engine results.

8. Utilize Eye-catching Visuals:
Accompany your articles with visually appealing images, infographics, or videos that enhance the reading experience. Compelling visuals catch the reader's eye and make your content more shareable, amplifying its reach.

9. Respond to Comments and Engage with Readers:
Take the time to respond to comments on your articles and engage with your readers. Show appreciation for their feedback and foster a sense of community around your work. Active engagement builds loyalty and encourages readers to follow your future work.

10. Network with Influencers:
Connect with influential writers and thought leaders in your niche. Engage with their content, leave thoughtful comments, and build genuine relationships. Collaborations or mentions from influencers can expose your work to their followers and dramatically increase your own follower count.
Building a substantial following on Medium requires a combination of consistent effort, quality content, and active engagement with the writing community. By implementing these ten strategies, you’ll be well on your way to gaining a dedicated fan base of followers who appreciate your unique voice and perspective. So, seize the opportunity, put your best work forward, and watch your follower count soar on Medium!




I write about everything. I care not for your formatting or follower secretes. Will I succeed? Why don't you follow me and find out?