It’s the Met

3 min readMay 3, 2022


Hey everyone it’s the met gala 2022 get ready to see weird stuff on celebs who are spending MOOOOOOOONEY

the met!

you might sit at home thinking “well this is dumb” and you’d be wrong, dead wrong.

You see the met gala 2022 is as it has been in the past a chance for us regular slobs to bask in the ever present glow of those who must be better than us, celebrities.

Thank goodness we have these people here to remind us how great they are and how high fashion can be used to heal the world. Sure maybe not like curing desires or teaching children how to take care of the earth to make it last another 200 years but at least it’s a lot of fun?

lil nas x 2021

so what’s the point of the met other than to raise some money? Well it is the high water mark red carpet event for the world of fashion allowing the creme dela creme of the industry to dress up and hob nob with all the hottest “talent” the entertainment world has to offer. The Met’s value to society is hard to measure in this day and age it’s a spectacle for people to enjoy for spectacle sake. So like many things in the world, involving people making too much money for works of art, it happens the world goes ooo and we move on.

how nice

The years past it seems to be less ooos and aw’s I’m sure we have to move on for this and worry less about it. These people walking the carpet just trying to up there brand while saying something about something. Lets call a spade a spade it’s really about the idea of look at me I’m here I say something, buy my stuff, keep me relevant, hire me etc.

So who cares should we even give a damn if these people do anything? I don’t and so should you. We put far too much stock into these events and these people but maybe it’s that life is hard and that we can escape and imagine that it spectacular and that things could be better.


The truth might be worst. These celebs at the met might be riddled with anxiety and angst. Haven forbid they say the wrong thing or act out of turn, one missed step and boom their out! Maybe that’s how I get get any consolation that they are in these positions and I’m where I am.




Written by Writerussel

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