Make money during a recession ?

3 min readMay 11, 2022


You don’t need this you know, you wont be able to take advantage of it like what seems like most people on here. You could just sit an wait and just left life skim by at a brief clip until you finally feel it’s too late to do anything then finally finding acceptance you can shuffle off this mortal coil.

Look I can help you help yourself but you have to believe in yourself and not the other way around because as far as you know I’m a ghost Im not real and this article if it can be called that might have been thought up by an AI

If you think thats cute you should see what I see when I close my eye. The fact is that I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t really care, I feel like a liberal free thinking human who can make the choice to say and do as he pleases because in the end I just have to please myself.

And don’t worry, ive set the bar real low.

So what were you here for again?

O yes some sage advice from some random on the internet. Well lemmie tell ya sonny it’s a real dog eat dog world out there and if you aint got your shit together your gonna fry!
But it’s not so bad as I said at the beginning you can just wait it out and do nothing, many millions of people do this every single day and they’re ok why not you? What do you selfishly yearn for? What do you want to get out of life that you don’t already have? It can’t be so grand as to die on the moon surrounded by beautiful alien women crushing your pelvis to death is it? Because let me tell you thats a real pie in the sky fat chance kind of thing to think.

In the 13th century monks traveling from cologne to champagne used to recite hyms from the bible as loud as possible as they walked sodden footed across the rough trails and roads that connected the cities. They would belt out these words of the lords so loud that any oncoming nature would not disturbe them they would also get a chance to practice their memorizing skills as, if more than one was traveling in the group, someone would be reading the good book along word by word to make sure the lords message got out loud and clear.

Now why would they do something to silly and outlandish? To say that the word of god moved nature when it was god that created this vary nature to begin with? We don’t really have any records explaining this behavior perhaps it was to scare off bears when traveling in the spring and summer we might never know but what we do know is that as they walked their path they were doing something.

Now you might say to yourself “hey Russ your right, I should do something” and I’d say to you:
Your wrong. Stop right now, it’s too late.

If you’ve made it this far you would know this is the end of the internet and that you can’t get anywhere else, you’ve found bottom as a sailor might say. So the only way is up right? Wrong again. Once down here it’s just best to breath the water of disappointment and let yourself drown in mediocrity because you simply don’t have the doing part of things down.

If you did by now you would have read enough articles to know what to do but somehow you took too many wrong turns and are now in the basement of success and the door is locked from the other side.

So why not join me down here in the moist atmosphere. The one naked bulb glowing yellowy and humming loudly. The scrape of your shoes shifting the dust of years of neglect. Can you feel the heat? Its not been on for years.
Welcome to the bottom, Welcome to the rest of your life!




Written by Writerussel

I write about everything. I care not for your formatting or follower secretes. Will I succeed? Why don't you follow me and find out?

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